Apache Aries SPI Fly Core (internal module)

Apache Aries SPI Fly Core (internal module)

This bundle contains an extender that facilitates the use of JRE SPI providers (components typically plugged in to the JRE through META-INF/services resources).

Compile dependencies (1)

Group / Artifact Version Newer Version
biz.aQute.bnd » biz.aQute.bndlib 4.1.0 6.3.1

Provided dependencies (1)

Group / Artifact Version Newer Version
org.osgi » osgi.core 5.0.0 8.0.0

Test dependencies (2)

Group / Artifact Version Newer Version
org.easymock » easymock 3.2 5.1.0
junit » junit 4.8.1 4.13.2