Bouncy Castle Provider

Bouncy Castle Provider

The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java implementation of cryptographic algorithms. This jar contains JCE provider and lightweight API for the Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs for JDK 1.5 and up. Note: this package includes the NTRU encryption algorithms.

Version Repository Usages Date
1.69 central Jun 09, 2021
1.68 central Dec 23, 2020
1.67 central Dec 22, 2020
1.62 central Dec 14, 2019
1.64 central Oct 12, 2019
1.63 central Sep 11, 2019
1.61 central Feb 11, 2019
1.60 central Jul 06, 2018
1.59 central Jan 04, 2018
1.58 central Aug 23, 2017
1.57 central May 15, 2017
1.56 central May 12, 2017
1.55 central Aug 21, 2016
1.54 central Dec 30, 2015
1.53 central Oct 13, 2015
1.52 central Mar 09, 2015
1.51 central Jul 28, 2014
1.50 central Dec 13, 2013
1.49 central Jun 01, 2013
1.48 central Feb 12, 2013
1.47 central Mar 27, 2012
1.46 central Mar 23, 2012
1.70 central